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Unit(s) that highlight this skill set
Sample Curriculum Items
Use technology to help plan, produce, and publish writing?
Interactive lessons and application exercises provide students with guided and independent practice in using technology tools to create and share written works and multimedia projects with an audience.
Word Processing
Group Story; Word Processing: Basic Document Creation; Poem Creation and Design; Word Processing: Formatting Text
Use relevant images, graphics and other visual displays in creative and informative projects?
Guides students in how various digital tools like word processing software, graphics programs and graphing tools in spreadsheets can be used to create graphics and various visual aids that can be used in sharing ideas.
Multimedia; Keyboarding; Hardware and Software Fundamentals
Lab Rules Sign; Multimedia: Drawing Lines and Shapes to Tell a Story; A New Student in Class; Animal Story
Effectively conduct valid research as part of a team or small group?
Guides students in conducting research, beginning with activities that focus on identifying and organizing information, and then moving to conducting research alone and with partners.
Spreadsheets; Databases;
Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns; Databases: Data Classification Journal; Animal Research Spreadsheet
Demonstrate correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization in written work?
Provides students guidance and further practice in using the correct conventions of spelling and punctuation in written works and helps students build confidence through sharing their work and demonstrating mastery of these skills.
Word Processing
Word Processing: Basic Document Creation; Correcting Words; Animal Story
Identify and correctly use the basic parts of speech?
Students practice using proper parts of speech in collaborative and individual writing activities. Students will need to identify words that are nouns, verbs, and adjectives and then use those words in a written project.
Word Processing
Group Story; Grammar Safari
Identify letters of the alphabet and the sounds that are associated with those letters?
Keyboarding lessons integrate letter recognition, the initial sounds of words, and asks that students use these skills to identify and correctly use the letters. Additional application exercises reinforce these skills with independent practice.
Keyboarding: Locate and Type Letters A, B, C, D, and E through U, V, W, X, Y, and Z; Beginning Sounds
K-2 Math
Explain their thinking when solving addition and subtraction problems?
Students solve problems with addition and subtraction and then present and communicate mathematical thinking, these projects also address technology skills.
Hardware and Software Fundamentals; Word Processing
Math Video; Word Problems
K-2 Math
Create and revise mathematical models to represent information?
Curriculum items focus on creating models including graphs, charts, and tables through teaching students about using spreadsheet software. These concepts are reinforced with tasks that require students to collect, organize, and model with data.
Spreadsheets: Pie Charts; Family Spreadsheet; Acts of Kindness
K-2 Math
Understand what data is and how to organize and read the data?
Teaches students that data can help answer questions and solve problems, and gives students a good basis of understanding how data can organized and interpreted.
Databases; Spreadsheets
Databases: Classifying Data; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns; Class Pets Spreadsheet
K-2 Math
Identify simple shapes and combine them to create more complex shapes and figures?
Introduces basic shape recognition and identification so students gain an understanding of how simple shapes can be combined to create graphics that can represent ideas or help students express themselves creatively.
Multimedia; Computational Thinking and Coding Basics
Multimedia: Drawing and Filling Shapes Using Graphics Tools; Drawing a Vehicle; Spirit Day T-Shirts; Personal Flag
K-2 Science
Observe the natural world and then record information in an organized manner?
Students use observation skills, developed by hands-on practice, to further explore ideas about how living things function and to discover patterns in the natural world.
Databases; Multimedia
Databases: Data Classification Journal; Living Things; Drawing a Plant
K-2 Science
Analyze data that they've collected and identify patterns in the natural world?
Students collect, organize, interpret and analyze data that has been collected in order to search for patterns found in Earth systems.

Graphing Weather; Animal Research Spreadsheet; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns

K-2 Science
Develop simple models to represent natural phenomena?
Students acquire technology skills to research and gather evidence, and then use that evidence to develop a model to demonstrate natural processes, systems and organisms.
Multimedia; Visual Mapping
Water Cycle; Drawing a Plant
K-2 Social Studies
Understand how personal identity can be expressed and shared with others?
Activities and projects help young students determine what makes them different from and the same as others. Students practice expressing how they view themselves and represent themselves to the world around them.
Personal Portrait; Personal Flag
K-2 Social Studies
Identify and describe the different people and places in their community?
Application exercises help younger students work together and individually to examine the community in which they live. Students recognize elements in their community and work at organizing information to share with others.
Databases; Visual Mapping
Our Community; Databases: Tables, Records, and Fields Journal
K-2 Social Studies
Recognize that people can belong to different groups and that groups can have varying goals?
Student explore how all people can belong to different groups and gain an understanding that a group of people can have a goal or desire for something, and that groups can share goals, which can bring groups together in cooperative relationships.
Multimedia; Visual Mapping
I Belong to Many Groups; Personal Flag
K-2 Social Studies
Demonstrate and practice civic ideals and behaviors in an authentic way in the classroom?
Students participate in creating media that promotes courteous and responsible behavior, discuss how to treat others in the digital world, and practice responsible behavior within the real and virtual world.
Online Safety; Computational Thinking and Coding Basics; Hardware and Software Fundamentals
Lab Rules Sign; Netiquette and Cyberbullying Discussion; A New Student in Class
K-2 Social Studies
Comprehend how technology personally affects them and their lives?
Students today are growing up in a digital world and therefore need to understand how technology can affect them, both positively and negatively, and how to use technology in a responsible, safe and fair manner.
Online Safety
Online Safety: Cyberbullying; Safe Site Strategies Discussion; Summer Online Safety Poster
3-5 ELA
Develop a research question and find answers from accurate and valid digital sources?
Students learn how to find information using effective search strategies and methods for finding sources for research purposes. Students demonstrate the ability to evaluate information for validity and credibility.
Internet Usage and Online Communication; Presentations; Word Processing
Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches; Better Safe Than Sorry; Internet Usage: Research, Resources, and Ethics; Research and Evaluation
3-5 ELA
Work with peers to plan, create, and present multimedia projects?
Students use personal communication and teamwork skills to express ideas and build on the ideas of other to create an end product.
Hardware and Software Fundamentals; Online Safety; Presentations
Dramatic Digital Video; How Would You Feel?; Computer Rules Skit; Jazz Instruments Presentation; Good Citizenship Digital Video
3-5 ELA
Plan, revise, edit and produce writing that effectively communicates the student's ideas?
Students become better writers through not only practice, but also knowing how to revise and edit. Students learn how to use graphic organizers and tools included in word processing software to strengthen their writing.
Word Processing; Visual Mapping
Word Processing: Revising and Formatting; Word Processing: Editing and Proofreading Your Work; Word Processing: Creating and Organizing Content; Visual Mapping: Formats and Outlines; Proofreading and Correcting games
3-5 ELA
Add relevant and appropriate visual displays to projects and presentations to enhance ideas?
Students create and edit graphics, including graphs and charts, and learn how to add these types of visual elements to presentations and slideshows.
Presentations; Multimedia
Presentations: Composing Slides; Presentations: Enhancing Slides; Audience and Media; Where in the United States? Scavenger Hunt
3-5 ELA
Write informational materials to clearly inform others of issues that can affect them?
Students work individually and collaboratively to research and evaluate problems and then use the findings to write informative texts using different digital tools and for different types of audiences.
Online Safety; Word Processing; Presentations
Smart Alert! Cyberbullying Guide; Summer Online Safety Brochure; Advanced Report Writing; Problem-Solution Presentation
3-5 ELA
Use technology and digital applications to publish writing and collaborate with others?
From word processing to presentations to multimedia, students work alone and with peers to produce and publish their work and original creations.
Presentations; Word Processing; Internet Usage and Online Communication
Tourism Guide; Life Slideshow Booklet; Informational Interview; Creating a Newsletter; Better Safe than Sorry
3-5 Math
Use spreadsheet software to collect and organize data into tables, charts, and graphs?
Intermediate grade lessons and application exercises guide students through the basic navigation and tools included in spreadsheet software. Students practice using spreadsheets to input, organize and display data.
Spreadsheets: Parts; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns; Spreadsheets: Columns and Rows
3-5 Math
Develop models to represent mathematical ideas and concepts?
Students develop pie graphs, line graphs, and bar graphs using data that will help students understand how different data models are used to show different aspects of mathematical data.
Computational Thinking and Coding Basics; Spreadsheets
Computational Thinking: Modeling; Bedroom Blueprint; Ethnic Foods Survey
3-5 Math
Use numerical equations to represent and solve mathematical problems?
Students gain experience working with multiplicative formulas to use data in spreadsheets to answer questions or solve problems.
Spreadsheets: Using Formulas to Multiply and Divide; Spreadsheets: Copying Formulas and Functions; Bake Sale Spreadsheet; Camping Supplies Spreadsheet
3-5 Math
Represent data in various types of models and how to interpret data shown in models?
Lessons highlight how different graphs, like pie charts and line graphs, show various aspects of data. Students will learn when to use and how to read specific types of data models through guided and independent practice.
Spreadsheets: Pie Charts; Spreadsheets: Line Charts; Spreadsheets: Bar Charts; Coin Toss Probability; Weekly Reading Graph; Classroom Measurements
3-5 Math
Work their way through complex multi-step problems that involve real world situations?
Students are challenged to find solutions for problem situations that mirror real world situations, using different digital tools and math concepts. Student gain confidence in problem solving skills through practice.
Computational Thinking and Coding Basics; Spreadsheets;
Bedroom Blueprint; Get Involved! Exploring Endangered Species Data; Mixtures and Solutions
3-5 Science
Use their observations of the natural world to record information in an organized manner?
Students use observation skills, developed by hands-on practice, to further explore ideas about how living things function and to discover patterns in the natural world.
Animal Research Spreadsheet; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns; Spreadsheet: Parts
3-5 Science
Analyze data they collected in order to find patterns in the natural world?
Specific to science topics, students read and interpret data and data displays. The analysis skills students develop in these grades are crucial for the further study of science.
Spreadsheets: Pie Charts; Spreadsheets: Bar Charts; Spreadsheets: Line Charts; Get Involved! Exploring Endangered Species Data
3-5 Science
Understand of how organisms are affected by and adapt to their environment?
Students use observation and research skills to explore the interdependence between organisms and the habitat in which they live. Students use evidence to present their findings to their peers.
Habitat Presentation; Adaptation
3-5 Social Studies
Demonstrate and practice civic ideals and behaviors in an authentic way in school?
Students participate in creating media that promotes courteous and responsible behavior, discuss how to treat others in the digital world, and practice responsible behavior within the real and virtual world.
Hardware and Software Fundamentals; Online Safety; Internet Usage and Online Communication
Good Citizenship Digital Video; Email the President; Computer Rules Skit
3-5 Social Studies
Identify and describe the different places and regions within in the United States?
Students use mapping technology and online resources to virtually explore the regions and areas of the country and solve geography-based problems.
Internet Usage and Online Communication; Presentations
Home Sweet Home; Where in the United States? Scavenger Hunt; My State Research; Tourism Guide
3-5 Social Studies
Understand how technology affects their lives and the lives of others?
Students in the intermediate grades explore how online behavior affects others and how to advocate for positive behavior online and the responsible usage of digital resources.
Online Safety
Summer Online Safety Brochure; Smart Alert! Cyberbullying Guide; How Would You Feel?
3-5 Social Studies
See the importance and demonstrate concern for responsible usage of natural resources?
Students examine how humans use natural resources and how humans use natural resources in irresponsible and wasteful ways, and share what they learn and advocate for more responsible use of the natural world.
Spreadsheets; Presentations; Internet Usage and Online Communication
Cut It Out! Save the Environment; Get Involved! Exploring Endangered Species Data; Natural Resources Presentation
3-5 Social Studies
Understand how to make choices when it comes to spending money and finances?
Intermediate students may be able to add and subtract money, but it's important for young students to understand that spending money means making choices through budgeting and planning for spending.
Grocery Store Spreadsheet; Camping Supplies Spreadsheet
6-8 ELA
Use writing tools to strengthen their writing through proofreading, editing, and revising?
Students learn about tools such as spellcheck and reference tools through instruction and through practice. In the middle grades, students are expected to use these tools and features throughout their projects and assigned tasks.
Word Processing
Word Processing: Creating Professional Documents; Put Word Processing to Work for You!; Proofreading and Correcting game
6-8 ELA
Understand the importance of copyright laws and proper citation in research projects?
Students learn to recognize and respect intellectual property and copyright laws as well as formatting citations, including properly formatted bibliographies in written work. Additionally, students learn about the consequences of plagiarism.
Internet Usage and Online Communication; Online Safety; Word Processing
Word Processing: Formatting Essays Using MLA; Online Safety: Ethical Use of Digital Resources; Avoiding Plagiarism; What a Cite! APA/MLA; Online Ethics
6-8 ELA
Use technology tools and writing software programs to produce writing?
Students learn to use various technology applications to help master the tools and features of various types of software that can be used throughout school, college and their future careers, they gain confidence in using such tools in writing projects.
Word Processing
Word Processing: Overview of Basic Skills; Collaborative Tools in Word Processors; Project Teamwork!; Know and Show
6-8 ELA
Add multimedia elements and relevant visual displays to a presentation?
Students use technology tools to help organize and produce slideshows to support oral delivery of information. Students learn how to add graphics, audio, video and interactive elements to presentations to add interest and support claims.
Presentations; Hardware and Software Fundamentals
Presentations: Motion Design; Saving the Environment Within My Community; Standout Scientists
6-8 ELA
Find relevant, credible and accurate information when using online sources?
Students practice researching using search strategies and methods for evaluating digital sources for credibility to become discerning consumers of media through instruction, guided practice and independent projects.
Internet Usage and Online Communication; Word Processing;
News to Me!; Internet Usage: Effective Search Strategies; Internet Usage: Navigating the World Wide Web; New and Improved; Become an Internet Sleuth: Strategies to Guide Inquiry
6-8 ELA
Support claims with evidence when presenting an argument or a piece of persuasive writing?
Students work through the research process to find relevant and valid information, and have opportunities to practice persuasive writing skills using different formats such as presentations, blogs, online forum, and other digital publishing tools.
Presentations; Online Safety
Controversial Issue; Product Description; Be Cyber Safe!
6-8 Math
Use spreadsheets to collect, organize, and analyze data in order to solve problems?
Students practice using spreadsheets to input, organize and display data, as well as interpret and analyze the data in order to find answers.
Spreadsheets: Analyzing Data; Sell Me on It; A Spoonful of Sugar; Now I'm Hungry
6-8 Math
Grasp geometric concepts like the properties of shapes and how to find area and volume?
Students explain the properties of specific geometric shapes and how those properties can be used to find area and volume of shapes.
Presentations; Multimedia
Enhanced Presentations with Basic Elements; Geometry Study Sheet
6-8 Math
Work their way through complex multi-step problems that involve real world situations?
Students are challenged to find solutions using different digital tools and math concepts. Students work individually as well as collaboratively to use math to solve problems and answer questions.
Planning for the Future; Cell Phone Usage; Creating a Budget
6-8 Math
Create graphs and charts and know which works best to display mathematical information?
Students develop graphs and charts using data that shows how different data models are used to display various aspects of data. Additionally, students use other data models to help solve problems, such as flowcharts and scaled geometric models.
Computational Thinking and Coding Basics; Spreadsheets
The Perfect Park; Time is Money; Scatterplots; Data Collection and Line Graphs
6-8 Math
Use numerical equations to represent and solve mathematical problems?
Students gain experience working with formulas and functions to use and interpret data in spreadsheets to answer questions or solve problems.
Spreadsheets: Functions; Very Interesting; Spreadsheets: Formulas
6-8 Science
Systematically test a designed object or process in order to find a workable solution?
Students learn how problems can be solved by defining the problem and developing solutions. An important focus of this unit is that testing is a crucial step in designing solutions.
Computational Thinking and Coding Basics
Egg-cellent Egg Drop; Computational Thinking: Implement and Test; Computational Thinking: Models and Simulations
6-8 Science
Use technology effectively to report and share findings on topics and ideas?
Students use technology tools, such as word processing software and presentation or slideshow applications, to share information and findings on a scientific topic or concept.
Word Processing; Multimedia
Well Stated! Technical Writing; Following Directions; Appliance Guide; The Next Hot Product
6-8 Science
Find valid, accurate and relevant information from credible sources?
Students are asked to explore science topics and they will need to demonstrate the ability to find information and by extension, evaluate the information found on the topic to assess the accuracy and credibility of the information.
Hardware and Software Fundamentals; Multimedia; Databases
Standout Scientists; Scientific Contributions Video; Science Database
6-8 Social Studies
Identify how civic responsibilities extend to the use of technology?
Students understand intellectual property and copyright issues and rules, and they will have a better understanding of how rights and privacy are protected and what problems can exist while working online.
Online Safety
Online Ethics; Online Safety: Ethical Use of Digital Resources; What's Private?; Ethics and Consequences
6-8 Social Studies
Use mapping technology and related tools to explore global connections and citizenship?
Students learn how to effectively use tools and features of mapping technology to answer questions or solve problems. The concept of global citizenship is introduced, and students are encouraged to view themselves as part of a larger community.
Internet Usage and Online Communication
Mapping Tools and Global Citizenship: Let's Take a Trip; Booking Brian's Vacation
6-8 Social Studies
Identify the influence of technology on their lives, and the positive and negative effects?
Students begin to explore the complex influence of technology on human values and behavior. Students examine how they use technology and how technology affects their lives and the lives of their peers, extending to school, work and play.
Hardware and Software Fundamentals; Online Safety
Software and Society; It's a Good Life; Technology in My Life; Healthy Computing Discussion
6-8 Social Studies
Understand economic concepts like budgeting, evaluating costs, and analyzing investments?
Students expand their knowledge of economic concepts by using digital tools to collect and analyze data and then use the information to make budgeting choices and answer authentic questions about how we spend money.
Planning for the Future; Creating a Budget; Cell Phone Usage
6-8 Social Studies
Identify issues in the world and find creative solutions to promote positive change?
Students use research and analysis skills to examine issues in order to become more effective problem-solvers and decision-makers when addressing the persistent issues and social problems encountered in public life.
Internet Usage and Online Communication; Online Safety; Presentations
Project Teamwork!; Saving the Environment Within my Community; Risk Watch!; The Bystander Effect
6-8 Social Studies
Create open-ended research questions, find and evaluate information for accuracy and validity?
Students develop skills to become effective and efficient researchers by selecting topics and using search strategies, evaluating the information found during research, and then present that information to peers and others.
Internet Usage and Online Communication; Presentations; Multimedia
History Database; Interviewing Historical Figures; Texas Revolution Presentation; History of Western America