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How EasyTech meets this skill
Unit(s) that highlight this skill set
Sample Curriculum Items
Use technology to help plan, produce, and publish writing?
Interactive lessons and application exercises provide students with guided and independent practice in using technology tools to create and share written works and multimedia projects with an audience.
Word Processing
Group Story; Word Processing: Basic Document Creation; Poem Creation and Design; Word Processing: Formatting Text
Use relevant images, graphics and other visual displays in creative and informative projects?
Guides students in how various digital tools like word processing software, graphics programs and graphing tools in spreadsheets can be used to create graphics and various visual aids that can be used in sharing ideas.
Multimedia; Keyboarding; Hardware and Software Fundamentals
Lab Rules Sign; Multimedia: Drawing Lines and Shapes to Tell a Story; A New Student in Class; Animal Story
Effectively conduct valid research as part of a team or small group?
Guides students in conducting research, beginning with activities that focus on identifying and organizing information, and then moving to conducting research alone and with partners.
Spreadsheets; Databases;
Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns; Databases: Data Classification Journal; Animal Research Spreadsheet
Demonstrate correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization in written work?
Provides students guidance and further practice in using the correct conventions of spelling and punctuation in written works and helps students build confidence through sharing their work and demonstrating mastery of these skills.
Word Processing
Word Processing: Basic Document Creation; Correcting Words; Animal Story
Identify and correctly use the basic parts of speech?
Students practice using proper parts of speech in collaborative and individual writing activities. Students will need to identify words that are nouns, verbs, and adjectives and then use those words in a written project.
Word Processing
Group Story; Grammar Safari
Identify letters of the alphabet and the sounds that are associated with those letters?
Keyboarding lessons integrate letter recognition, the initial sounds of words, and asks that students use these skills to identify and correctly use the letters. Additional application exercises reinforce these skills with independent practice.
Keyboarding: Locate and Type Letters A, B, C, D, and E through U, V, W, X, Y, and Z; Beginning Sounds
K-2 Math
Explain their thinking when solving addition and subtraction problems?
Students solve problems with addition and subtraction and then present and communicate mathematical thinking, these projects also address technology skills.
Hardware and Software Fundamentals; Word Processing
Math Video; Word Problems
K-2 Math
Create and revise mathematical models to represent information?
Curriculum items focus on creating models including graphs, charts, and tables through teaching students about using spreadsheet software. These concepts are reinforced with tasks that require students to collect, organize, and model with data.
Spreadsheets: Pie Charts; Family Spreadsheet; Acts of Kindness
K-2 Math
Understand what data is and how to organize and read the data?
Teaches students that data can help answer questions and solve problems, and gives students a good basis of understanding how data can organized and interpreted.
Databases; Spreadsheets
Databases: Classifying Data; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns; Class Pets Spreadsheet
K-2 Math
Identify simple shapes and combine them to create more complex shapes and figures?
Introduces basic shape recognition and identification so students gain an understanding of how simple shapes can be combined to create graphics that can represent ideas or help students express themselves creatively.
Multimedia; Computational Thinking and Coding Basics
Multimedia: Drawing and Filling Shapes Using Graphics Tools; Drawing a Vehicle; Spirit Day T-Shirts; Personal Flag
K-2 Science
Observe the natural world and then record information in an organized manner?
Students use observation skills, developed by hands-on practice, to further explore ideas about how living things function and to discover patterns in the natural world.
Databases; Multimedia
Databases: Data Classification Journal; Living Things; Drawing a Plant
K-2 Science
Analyze data that they've collected and identify patterns in the natural world?
Students collect, organize, interpret and analyze data that has been collected in order to search for patterns found in Earth systems.

Graphing Weather; Animal Research Spreadsheet; Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns

K-2 Science
Develop simple models to represent natural phenomena?
Students acquire technology skills to research and gather evidence, and then use that evidence to develop a model to demonstrate natural processes, systems and organisms.
Multimedia; Visual Mapping
Water Cycle; Drawing a Plant
K-2 Social Studies
Understand how personal identity can be expressed and shared with others?
Activities and projects help young students determine what makes them different from and the same as others. Students practice expressing how they view themselves and represent themselves to the world around them.
Personal Portrait; Personal Flag
K-2 Social Studies
Identify and describe the different people and places in their community?
Application exercises help younger students work together and individually to examine the community in which they live. Students recognize elements in their community and work at organizing information to share with others.
Databases; Visual Mapping
Our Community; Databases: Tables, Records, and Fields Journal
K-2 Social Studies
Recognize that people can belong to different groups and that groups can have varying goals?
Student explore how all people can belong to different groups and gain an understanding that a group of people can have a goal or desire for something, and that groups can share goals, which can bring groups together in cooperative relationships.
Multimedia; Visual Mapping
I Belong to Many Groups; Personal Flag
K-2 Social Studies
Demonstrate and practice civic ideals and behaviors in an authentic way in the classroom?
Students participate in creating media that promotes courteous and responsible behavior, discuss how to treat others in the digital world, and practice responsible behavior within the real and virtual world.
Online Safety; Computational Thinking and Coding Basics; Hardware and Software Fundamentals
Lab Rules Sign; Netiquette and Cyberbullying Discussion; A New Student in Class
K-2 Social Studies
Comprehend how technology personally affects them and their lives?
Students today are growing up in a digital world and therefore need to understand how technology can affect them, both positively and negatively, and how to use technology in a responsible, safe and fair manner.
Online Safety
Online Safety: Cyberbullying; Safe Site Strategies Discussion; Summer Online Safety Poster